Digital Kitchen 1999 - 2000 ..... No.1

This series is not my diary. These photos are my experimental work. I started this series in 1999. I started to use a digital camera and the Internet in 1997 and I felt their great possibilities for the future even though the quality was inadequate at that time. Using the internet, anyone can express his or her photos for all over the world. I decided to use it as the way to express my work, not as a communication tool. Moreover, with digital camera, I can update my photos just after shooting them. I usually take photos during my breakfast, and I retouch and upload them within 30 minutes. The primary purpose of this project is to show my photos on my Web site, instead of in a museum or gallery. Of course, I hold exhibitions in museums and galleries with printed photos, however, I love the Internet world, which is always changing. by Norio KOBAYASHI.

初期の頃のDigital Kitchenです。当時は低画素のデジカメしかなく、35万〜150万画素程度のコンデジで撮影していました。ネット環境もモデムを使用したアナログ回線の時代で大きなデータは流せず、掲載写真も小サイズに限られました。2000年、ニコンサロンでDigital Kitchenの個展を開催しました。